Monday, March 27, 2017

Shifu day

This is a hard day (week) for me.

Two years ago today my life was turning upside down. I had handed in my notice to the only job I've ever loved so that we could start a new life in Florida after two years of  hell difficulties. It seemed like a fair trade - my one piece of happiness for security for my family.

But as I was getting ready to move, I realized that my beloved Shifu wasn't himself and on March 27, 2015 it became obvious that he wouldn't be making the move to Florida with us.

We spent a last day with him, drove to the beach, fed him McDonalds hamburgers and fries (the only food he'd eaten in days) and told him how much we loved him. It was a special, very hard, memorable day and I'll always be grateful that we were given the chance to make those memories before we had to say that final goodbye the next day.

For my sanity's sake I don't spend a lot of time looking back to those days but I can't help but think of my little Shifu Peanut this week.

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