Tuesday, February 4, 2014

the quotable LIW

Many people don't know that Laura was quite the writer long before the Little House books. She started writing in 1911for a regional newspaper, The Missouri Ruralist, and her articles were full of quotable wisdom that often still resonates (with me) today.

Life is often called a journey... Usually when referred to in these terms, it is also understood that it is a “weary pilgrimage.” Why not call it a voyage of discovery and take it in the spirit of happy adventure?"                                                                        Life is an Adventure." Mrs. A.J. Wilder    March, 1916
I love the idea of adventure but today I confess to dwelling in the "weary pilgrimage" frame of mind. I promise to work on it.

Has anyone ever said to you, as a warning, "No man knoweth what a day may bring forth?" I have heard it often, and it is always quoted with a melancholy droop at the corners of the mouth. But why! Suppose we do not know that will happen tomorrow. May it not just as well be a happy surprise as something unpleasant?"                                  Life is an Adventure." Mrs. A.J. Wilder    March, 1916
Here's hoping!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading her earlier writings!


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