Thursday, December 31, 2015

buh bye

I started to do a "good, bad, & ugly" post for 2015 but I found myself struggling to come up with much good (except for meeting Victoria and finding Charlie) and was overwhelmed with ugly so I decided to stop and just end the year with pictures. This is how I choose to remember 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I certainly did get to this post late!!! I was just cruising my blog roll and thinking that I hadn't seen anything from you in a while so decided to check in. I'm sorry 2015 was such a difficult year:( I know the move here then the move back to CA was super stressful...having done it myself I speak from experience and it's not cheap moving across country so add the financial toll and ugh, I hear ya! Hopefully 2016 is being kinder to you!!! Hugs my friend!


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