Wednesday, January 26, 2022



It's a dreary, rainy, chilly day here in Florida and I'm working from home with 2 kids that should be in school but they can't because they are off school this week. Because my job is awesome (although equally annoying at times) I am able to work from home from time to time so I have rearranged my schedule to keep an eye on them and still earn a living.

Have you ever tried to keep 2 energetic kids from disrupting your work? It's not easy and I feel like the bad guy every time I have to say "I'm working, you need to go play in your room or outside."

See those feet up there? There's a whole kid buried under that blanket watching a video with his headphones on. He prefers to be out with me and he tries to be good but he just said "mystery meat" which is probably the answer to a question they just asked on his video and he can't help but say it out loud from time to time because he's 7 and he forgets he needs to be quiet.

Originally Chris wanted the kids' mom, who lives 20 minutes away, to take care of them this week during the day while we worked. The woman, who stays home all day every day and hasn't had a job in years, had the audacity, when he asked her on the phone about helping out, to say "what about your old lady?" and the only thing that kept me from snatching the phone out of his hands and letting her know what I thought of her disrespectful comment was the fact that the kids were in the back seat and I make it a point to NEVER say anything about their mother in their presence. But I really wanted to, not only because she called me his old lady but because she has basically acted like I didn't exist for the past year and a half but when she thinks she's about to be inconvenienced suddenly I should be part of the equation and take responsibility? 

I am definitely regretting all the times I've taken the kids shopping for her birthday or Mothers Day and paid for them to get presents for her.

Being a step parent is weird. I have all the responsibility for them - laundry, food, entertainment, school transportation, child care - but I also exist in this gray area where I don't have a say in a lot of things nor do I feel like I am really allowed to correct their behavior or make decisions.

When I started thinking about future romantic relationships, I never imagined having a partner who had elementary school age children. Don't get me wrong, I love these kids with all that I have and I can no longer imagine my life without them but sometimes the idea of doing all this for the next 12 years or so is a little daunting...or maybe just plain exhausting.

Sometimes I just want some time to myself. I want to wake up when I want, eat what and when I want, read books until my eyes ache and watch whatever TV show I want to watch. 

But then I remember that I had a year of that and it was damned lonely and I'm lucky to have so many people that love me.

But seriously, a vacation wouldn't hurt!

At least we've got this little one to provide comic relief throughout the day! This is Willow who adopted us one day.

And now I must go organize lunch for the 3 of us before I go back to work because apparently kids need to eat 3 times a day, every damned day. Who knew? 

1 comment:

  1. I was so young when I had my kids, I cannot imagine doing it at this age so hats off to you!!! Its hard work at any age 😩 especially the teenage years. Sending you good vibes!


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