Friday, June 2, 2023

Summer is here


This'll be a quickie because me and the Mr. will be heading out for a one night getaway before we go pick up our grandson for a week. We're celebrating 3 years together, can you imagine? It still kinda seems like yesterday that he said he wanted to "kidnap" me for a weekend (after having talked for about a month) and I (very unlike me) said yes and the rest is history.

C graduated from elementary school last week and it was a grand occasion. She picked out a brand new dress (I had to hem it and that's not something I've done in a while) and I took her to get her nails and hair done. She said she felt like a princess and that just made my heart happy.

I took her shopping for the dress and shoes and, for once, we didn't go to the kids' section. She's growing up!

So school is out for the summer which is great for the kids and means I can sleep in a little every weekday morning and not have to drive them anywhere but it's also a hard time for all of us because the kids are bored while I work from home and I feel a little trapped because I can't make a move in the house without someone asking what I'm doing.

I'm going to try to plan some fun activities for the kids this summer and just take long lunch breaks, knowing that I'll have to make up the time by working into the evening. This week we went to a noon matinee at the local movie theater that is showing kids' movies each week of the summer. We all enjoyed getting out of the house so I think we'll do it every week.

We're also going to try to get in a couple hours of pool time each week and I will try bringing my work laptop to the pool to continue working while they swim. I have to get creative with this so that we aren't at each others' throats by the time August rolls around.

Ok, we're off for our getaway, I'll tell you all about it next week!

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