Tuesday, March 12, 2024



yesterday i promised i'd show a picture of my new and improved studio so here it is

that thing to the right of my table is the bunk bed frame turned up on its end and chris added a couple of boards to the front to stabilize it.

i want shelves along the back but on the sides i want pieces of plywood where i can put hooks to hang strands of beads on one side and leather, hemp, string and wire on the other side. chris wants to put doors on it so that you're not looking directly into the shelves. apparently he isn't convinced of my ability to keep the shelves tidy. i seriously can't imagine why. LOL

even today, just walking into that room makes me happy, it feels light and bright in there and full of possibilities. and i do have things in mind like starting an etsy shop and making up business cards so that if someone sees me wearing a unique pair of earrings and comments on them i can whip out a business card which directs them to my shop. it may never happen but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

i've been reading some of my old blog posts and sometimes it feels like i'm reading about someone else's life. i miss so much about my old life, especially my house in california and all the work i put into giving it a style. i have so many memories and i sometimes feel like i've already lived so many lives and now i'm the only keeper of those memories.

before i sink into melancholy, i need to finish washing the dishes, folding the laundry and fixing dinner (along with my full-time job) because school is almost out and everybody will soon be home. we're having a baked tortellini casserole with meat sauce for dinner tonight, what are you having?

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