Saturday, July 11, 2015

never forget

Have you noticed I haven't been around to blog much lately? Well maybe you haven't but I sure have been missing the opportunity to share with y'all. Things have been happening here at Jasper's Cottage - some good, some not so good - and some of it has kept me far away from home each day...I haven't figured out if that last one is good or bad. I hate being away from Charlie each day (and Mr. T, of course) but I'm enjoying having a new experience.

But I couldn't let today go by without sharing a few old pictures of my baby Jasper. He's been gone for 4 years now and his memory grows sweeter with each passing year. I loved Shifu and I love Charlie but Jasper was the most special dog ever. He was my child. For anyone that's ever loved a dog, you know how it is. I miss him so much but I love being able to share him with you.

1 comment:

  1. The other day, Facebook told me that I had a memory with Jasper and it was that day that Jasper and I became fb friends. :) He was a special dog. Cherish your memories.


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