Wednesday, September 14, 2022


 You know what's really fun? When your fiance gets a call from his brother to let him know that none of his family is coming to the wedding - not the brother, sister in law or his 3 kids still at home or his two adult kids with their husbands and children.

That's over 1/3 of the guest list gone. 

I don't care that the wedding attendance is smaller, heck, I LOVE small weddings, but I DO care that Chris's family can't do this for him, be there for him. If they wanted to they could find a way.

I fully expect that other members of Chris's family will pull out at the last moment as well. Thank goodness my little family of 4 are excited about coming and already making big plans with their costumes. I appreciate them so much.

I have friends that haven't been able to make it and I totally understand that, it's not the same situation as Chris's family knowing about this for over a year and then backing out at the last minute.

At this point it's only going to be my family, Chris's adult kids (fingers crossed) and my best work friend along with a couple of friends of Chris's from his work...although at least one of those people is notorious for making plans and then not showing up so who knows.

The good thing is I will no longer have to pay an overage charge for having more people than the package allows for at the ceremony venue AND it's such a small group I think we might be able to pay for lunch after the ceremony before we head back for the Halloween party AND because we just fed all those people we can cut way back on what we serve at the party so really win-win.

Except Chris has to live with the fact that he wasn't important enough for his family and that sucks and I'll never forget it.

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