Friday, September 9, 2022



"She could damn well have stayed home; SHE doesn't have a connection to the kids."

Those were the words of Chris's ex wife when she realized I would be attending the school open house last night to meet the kids' teachers.

So, bitch, I don't have a connection to the kids? I have only been loving them, feeding them, doing their laundry, buying their school supplies and clothes, buying Christmas and birthday presents, planning their parties, listening to their hopes and dreams and nightmares, helping with homework, soothing their fevers and upset tummies, taking them on adventures, laughing with them and dreaming about their futures for over 2 years. 

I think part of the problem is that I've been kept in the background up until a few months ago, never going with Chris (at his request) to pick them up or drop them off so it was easy for her to pretend that I didn't exist.

I've always wondered about that, however, because if I had kids that were spending 50% of their time with another woman I sure as hell would want to get to know that other woman to make sure she was good enough for my kids, there's no way I'd go for 2 years without making contact.

To be honest, she's still never acknowledged me even when we've been in the same car heading to basketball games. She's never looked at me or introduced herself or even said hello when I've tried to catch her eye; it's quite bizarre and it's only going to get worse as the years go on.

And Chris just wanted to avoid all of this conflict as long as possible because he knew she wouldn't react well. They've been divorced for over 4 years and she was the one that went outside of the marriage but she acts like I'm a homewrecker even though I only came on the scene 2 years ago.

So I just needed to record this because her words have been going through my head over and over again since she said them last night. I have no connection to the kids as far as she's concerned...but luckily I don't give a crap what she thinks.

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