Tuesday, January 31, 2023



Sometimes weekend plans work and sometimes they don't.

2 weekends ago we went on a special trip to south Florida. It had been one of the Christmas presents from me to Chris, to travel to the South Florida Fair to see Brandon Davis in concert.

Brandon is an upcoming country singer that Chris discovered a couple of years ago and absolutely loves and we've already been to 2 of his concerts. In December, when I discovered that he was playing a headliner concert at the fair in January, I bought tickets for the 4 of us (it was a kid weekend) and got an inexpensive motel room near the fairgrounds for the night and surprised Chris with the news on Christmas day. He got tears in his eyes when I told him because following this guy's career means a lot to him.

We headed out straight after basketball because it was a 3 hour drive down to West Palm Beach. The drive was a breeze, check-in at our motel went smoothly and soon we were enjoying the sights and sounds of the fair.

The kids and I had a great time playing with Sally while waiting for the concert to start. It was their first concert experience and they loved it. Because we'd been to some of his other concerts he remembered us and talked to the kids, posed for pictures (which I can't seem to find on my phone) and played really great music for a couple of hours. We had used one of his songs "Step By Step" at our wedding because it's about becoming a family so hearing it live in the concert was amazing.

The whole weekend was so much fun and reminded me how much I love traveling and making new memories. Everything was perfectly planned because I'm awesome like that; I just love planning trips.

And then there's this past weekend - epic fail.

I had planned on us attending an outdoor flea market that a new shop in town was holding but Chris forgot (probably never listened in the first place) and planned some work things after basketball without my knowledge that he needed my help with. I watched the time go by and finally said I was going to the flea market by myself but by the time I made it there they had already closed and I was left feeling, once again, like my wishes are the lowest priority and that's not a pleasant feeling. Then, because of circumstances out of his control, Chris had to spend all of Sunday hanging around the house waiting for a repair person so we couldn't even do anything together that day either. And I know it sounds like I'm whining but I'm just so tired of coming in last when it comes to the things I want to do. It was that way all during the Christmas season - I had several events I wanted us to attend and we went to none of them because it just wasn't important enough to anybody but me.

I don't really know what to do except just start expecting to do things on my own. I've already put down a few things in my own personal calendar for the next few months and I'm going to make myself a priority even if nobody else does. Life is too short to waste time waiting for somebody else to put you first. Time to take care of me.

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