Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Summer fun - part 2


And now Part 2 of How I Spent My Summer Vacation although I definitely haven't been on vacation...yet. LOL

Now y'all know I LOVE the Fancy Flea vintage shows and I vowed to make it to every one this year and, so far, I've made good on that promise.

The July show is always my favorite, mostly because it's INSIDE in air conditioning which, in July in Florida, is like being in Heaven. Or maybe it's just that being outside is like being in Hell so inside just feels like Heaven.

Anyway, the show ran Friday and Saturday and I knew we'd be too busy with basketball to get there on Saturday so weeks ago I requested Friday off from work. I went by myself because the kids were with their mother and Chris was working and sometimes it's more fun to visit a vintage show by myself anyway so that I can meander and visit a booth more than once without any particular reason. This show had 2 full convention rooms full of glorious stuff, all quite drool-worthy.

I loved looking at every single item and went around the convention rooms several times but there just wasn't anything I loved enough to spend money on so after a couple of hours in Heaven, I went home empty-handed.

I made up for it, though, because I later went to a local store and treated myself to a couple pieces of clothing. I felt like I had earned it by being so self sacrificing at the Flea.

We all went to see the Barbie movie the next day, even James although he didn't make it into this picture. Cadence and I wore our matching pink Barbie shirts and got quite a bit of attention. I didn't think the movie was as funny as I'd expected it to be so I can't say I loved it but Cadence thought it was AMAZING so I'm glad we all went. Every 3 months Cadence and I have a Girls' Day and this was our special event. We "allowed" the boys to accompany us...mostly because we figured they'd think it was torture and that was funny to us.

And then the next day the most glorious thing happened - we went to the beach!

Chris is not a beach person but the kids and I love it so he drove 2 hours so that we could spend the day splashing in the water and adding to our seashell collection. The weather was perfect with a little breeze (at least until the big rain storm came in later that afternoon) and we had the best time. My little beach loving soul was finally happy and I loved every minute. I am going to insist that we go at least every 2 months because why put up with the horrendous Florida summers if you're not going to enjoy the wonderful Florida beaches?

And that won't be my last beach trip for the summer because we're ending the season with a bang - a real vacation for us and my sister's family. Remember how we took a real quick 2 day honeymoon cruise right after our wedding? Well that cruise line ran a special earlier in the year for 2 for 1 cruises again AND kids were free so we all booked a family vacation right before school starts up again. I've never vacationed with my sister (and her grandkids and her husband) before so this should be all sorts of awesome.

Can't wait to tell you all about it and show pictures!

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