Friday, June 27, 2014

Fun in the sun

Shifu and I will be off for a few days,  catching some rays and celebrating an anniversary with Mr French. 

I'm not taking my computer (oh the horror) so don't expect any lengthy blog posts but maybe I'll share a picture or two of all the fun we're having.

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable photo! He has such a cute face!

    I hope you have a wonderful time on your getaway.

    I'm fixin' to be "offline" awhile, as I'll be going to see my parents in July. While I'm taking my laptop, it's solely to have pictures, Word, and The Journal. My parents have never joined the computer generation and do not have internet at their home. (Yes, those people DO exist.) I think a break from "the net" is good for all of us.

    Have fun,


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