Friday, June 5, 2015


Some things are just never meant to be, no matter how much we wish they were.

 This is a hard post to write. It isn't going to be filled with pretty pictures or craft projects. I won't be pretending that life is all cupcakes and sunshine.

A few months ago we set forth on a grand adventure, a real dream come true for me. We were finally going to be able to live in Florida while my husband pursued his career. I had dreamed about this possibility for years and now it was happening. It should have been the happiest time of my life.

In the weeks after I arrived in Florida it became increasingly clear that things weren't going to work out the way we had hoped and that we were going to have to move back to California. The fact that this happened sooner rather than later is a little distressing but that's the way this particular cookie crumbled.

Luckily I love California and I have learned that Florida is probably best left as a vacation destination. What does bother me is that although we were able to return to our house (thank goodness we couldn't move right away so although everything is still in boxes, we hadn't given up our house - Jasper's Cottage) I am not able to return to the life I left. I mourn the fact that I gave up a job I loved for nothing, that's definitely the part I'm having the most trouble with. 

 Right now the future is a little dark and unclear but I trust that things have happened for a reason and that good things will happen in the future. As Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook who recently lost her husband) wrote on Facebook "option A is not available and I mourn for option A...but I promise to do all I can to kick the sh*t out of option B."

So here's to finding option B...California style.

 p.s. One really good thing has happened since we got back home...Charlie's story starts tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I can relate to this post so much Jonni! We first moved to FL in the beginning of 2009 and I also left a job I loved very much and a town I loved living in. I was so miserable and depressed, after Kyran would go to work I'd run a bath for myself and sit in it and was horrible. We'd bought a bunch of new furniture, Kyran had transferred with Pepsi and loved his new boss here etc. but, after less than 4 months I told him I need to go back. So, he transferred again and back we went! I tried to get my old job back, was re-hired then given the run around with HR so I gave up on it. After 3 years there, I wanted to come back to FL and this time around, I've been so happy here! Kyran got really lucky that once again, he was able to transfer and we love the area we're in now. Visiting So Cal last week, not one part of me yearned to go back so I know now that this time around was meant to be!!!

    Hang in there! I'm sure it will turn into a good thing eventually and things will fall back into place there!


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