Thursday, July 2, 2020


So I guess it's past time to share my latest news - I am no longer alone in the world and I'm so happy.

Chris says we've blown right past the boyfriend/girlfriend stage, whatever dude. It's been a million years since I got to call someone my boyfriend and I'm damn well doing it! LOL

So yeah, Chris, the guy who I was just being friends with turned into something deeper and eventually we decided to try a first date which went really, really well and turned into more dates which turned into weekends.

So for most everybody else 2020 sucks but for me, it's been a good year. Weird, right? And I know this is still early days but I have a pretty good instinct about most things and I'm feeling happy and calm and very loved and that means everything to me.

He, on the other hand, is in for a wild ride because I am not nearly as organized as he is and I consider it my mission to shake his life up a bit. (giggle)

And just in case anybody is keeping track - my virtue has finally been shot to hell and I couldn't be happier.

Charlie is pretty happy too.

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