Saturday, March 1, 2014

In Like A Lion...

I know it's not a popular sentiment right now in California but I don't like rain. To be more specific, I don't like rainy days. I'm fine with a rain storm through the night. If I had my way, all rain would take place when I was sleeping leaving me with beautiful days full of sunshine and sweet, clean air.

The universe, however, has decreed that I cannot have my way and therefore the rain, both figurative and literal, is falling on us for the next few days. Luckily we're not in the area that's getting hit with the big storm, complete with mudslides and home evacuations, so we'll just sit back and ride out the storm.

My favorite thing about rain is

the beauty it leaves behind when it finally ends.


  1. Beautiful photos love the rose.. thanks so much for your lovely comment... Tausha xx

  2. Beautiful photos love the rose.. thanks so much for your lovely comment... Tausha xx


Pull up a chair on the porch, have some lemonade and leave your comment in my mailbox. Thanks for visiting my little cottage!