Thursday, October 17, 2019


Guess what I've been up to?

I've been in the hospital - for the first time ever in my life.

Right now it hurts to type so I'll save the story for another time. The basic facts are - I fell doing a 5K cancer run/walk, I broke my humerus (upper arm right below the shoulder) in 4 places. The ER said I was going to need surgery so they transferred me to the big hospital downtown. The surgeon there didn't think surgery was the right call so, after spending the night at the hospital, I was discharged with a splint, told to keep the arm completely immobile and start therapy for 9 weeks.

I am in excruciating pain often especially when there's a strain on the arm. It's difficult to take care of Charlie, cook for myself, bend down and it's especially hard to get dressed with only one hand. I can't take off my bra because I wouldn't be able to get it back on so last night I took a shower wearing it and then blow dried it so it wouldn't be so soggy. At least both it and I got clean.

So there might not be many blog posts from me for a while. I am not in a good place right now, I feel very alone and miss Taz so much. He always took such good care of me.

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