Monday, February 24, 2020

good weekend

I am happy to report that I had a good weekend. 

Bet you didn't see that coming, did you? 

Me either, after so much drama I'd forgotten what it felt like to have a normal weekend.

It didn't start off that way. I had plans for Friday night to go to that new Meetup group Happy Hour.  I was really nervous about it - here let me tell you about it in person:

In case you don't want to watch, I basically talked about how I was nervous and didn't really want to do this but had to in order to change my life and then I joked about trying to get out of the car and how I'd just go to the library if it felt uncomfortable.

Then I turned off the video and got out of the car. I really did, I swear. I walked to the restaurant, went in and THERE WAS NOBODY THERE! Literally nobody was at the bar where they said we were meeting and the live music wasn't playing. So I did what anybody who didn't really want to be there would do - I walked out, got in my car and went to the library.

Which was already closed for the night! Damn!

So I mustered up my courage and went back to the restaurant to try again. By now it's almost 90 minutes past the start time of the event and still no live music, no one in the bar. That was the end of my courage, I wasn't going to try any more. I ended up crying in the Wendy's parking lot until I could pull myself together and go home. And when I got home the roomies were all in their TV room and it didn't feel like I was invited in there so I just went to my room for the night.

At this point I'm sure you're asking yourself "didn't she say she had a GOOD weekend?" Don't worry, that part is coming next!

Saturday morning I woke up with the knowledge that I had the house totally and completely to myself. The roomies had an all day school event and had left at 6am. I know exactly when they left because the kids were not all that quiet and it woke me up. Luckily I was able to go back to sleep for another hour or so. 

It was an amazing feeling to walk outside of my bedroom and know that nobody else was around. I spent all morning enjoying the solitude, sitting on my couch, watching my TV, eating my breakfast without being asked to share. BLISS

Then I grabbed Charlie and we ran a few errands including going back to the library to get some books I had on hold.

Back at the house I decided to tackle a not so pleasant task - clearing Taz's clothes out of the closet. I don't want to talk about that right now.

Eventually it was time to get ready to go out. A friend had messaged me earlier in the week saying that she wanted to go out for drinks at a local spot I'd been wanting to try. Even though I already had plans to take myself to Epcot Saturday night, I canceled those plans and accepted enthusiastically because a) it was my friend's birthday weekend so I looked forward to spending time with her, b) she's the bff of my roommate and we've become friends ourselves this past year but we haven't spent that much time as the two of us, it's usually 3, so I thought this would be a great opportunity to get to know her better, c) it was Saturday night and the fact that someone actually wanted to spend time with me and I wouldn't have to sit home alone was amazing.

I had just finished getting my hair all perfect and was about to put on a 'going out on the town' outfit so you can imagine how I felt when I got a text from her which made it clear she really didn't want to go. I know how that feels, I've canceled (or felt like canceling) my fair share of plans so I put her out of her misery and floated the idea that we didn't have to go if she didn't want to. She jumped at it.

Ok great, I totally understand and I wasn't upset at her but I was disappointed. And since I'd just been through an emotional afternoon I didn't want to be sitting at home when the roomies returned so I improvised. I grabbed Charlie, ordered a pizza and went to pick it up. Then we had a pizza party in the car.

Why in the car, you ask? Because I didn't want to have to share. If I'd gone home and the kids were there, they would have asked for some pizza.  I wanted to keep the pizza so that I could eat the leftovers this week. I've learned that I can make a pizza last a whole week which is really good since I don't really have any food at the house these days and I often don't have dinner. I'm going to have to figure the food thing out eventually but right now the leftover pizza option seems good.

Charlie sure seemed to enjoy the rolling pizza party! It was actually fun and not at all pathetic that I ate pizza in a parking lot. Right? Hey, at least I didn't cry this time. I read a book on my phone because that's what one does on a Saturday night when they're all alone.

Back at home I could see that people had been there in the house but they were gone again so I ended up having the whole evening to myself as well. I can't tell you how much I needed a whole day of having the house almost back to feeling normal.

Sunday morning I woke up, fed and walked Charlie before anyone else got up and was back in my room to spend a pleasant morning. But eventually I decided to be social and spent the rest of the morning sitting in the living room with everybody or out in the back with my book. Notice I didn't say reading my book? As I suspected, having 3 kids around means you don't get much reading done. They all ended up in the back with me and between water pistols, lizards, bricks that they discovered in the garden which needed to be carried and stacked as a game, pool noodles which needed to be thrown in the pool and toes which had to be dipped in the icy water, there wasn't a whole lot of time for reading. Eventually their parents called them inside to watch a movie and I had time to read a chapter before I needed to leave.

Because I was finally getting to go to Epcot like I'd been trying to do for ages but my plans kept getting derailed.

I had a lovely time and finally got to have the amazing Peanut Butter and Jelly Funnel Cake one last time before the end of the festival.

I had stupidly thought that meeting Joe would put an end to my solo theme park trips but that wasn't the case and that's ok. I am learning to enjoy the time by myself. Well, enjoy is probably too strong a word, I'd still prefer to be with someone that wants to spend time with me but I'd rather be by myself than with someone that's there reluctantly. I definitely had a good time yesterday.

I ended the weekend by spending time with friends who snowbird down here (they live in Canada and come here for 2 months each winter to escape the snow) watching a movie in their motel room. I took Miss Charlie with me and she made herself right at home, falling asleep in my friend's lap.

They are down here for only another month so I hope to spend as much time with them as possible. 

So that was my weekend - doesn't it sound lovely?

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