Thursday, February 27, 2020


Something weird happened yesterday; I had a problem with my eyes.

I woke up and things were a little blurry. That's not unusual, I'm usually sleep blurred for a few minutes. But this blur didn't go away. It didn't affect the way I saw the world, I didn't even notice anything on the drive to work but I couldn't read things on my computer screen. It was like someone had smeared Vaseline on my right eyeball but only in a few places.

Luckily I had a pair of "readers" here at work because sometimes, when I'm dealing with numbers (I do bookkeeping,) I want to magnify things a bit just to make sure it's a 3 not an 8. LOL

And when I put the glasses on which made everything larger, I could see the computer screen perfectly. So that's how I got through my work day, putting on the glasses when I had to read the screen, taking them off when I was talking to people. It was kind of exhausting but I was glad there was a solution.

I know that eyes age and things get blurrier as you get older. I've been lucky not to have experienced much of that but I started to wonder if I'd suddenly aged overnight and this was going to be my reality from now on. It made me think of Taz because he was very near-sighted and everything was a blur to him first thing in the morning before he put on his glasses or contacts. And his eyes were getting worse, it was his fear that he'd go blind and become a burden to me. So, in some weird way, having my world suddenly go a little blurry made me feel closer to him.

By the end of the day things were starting to clear up and by the time I got home from work I could read everything on my computer screen. This morning I'm at work and having no trouble so that's weird but good.

I'm sure I should go to an eye doctor but I don't have insurance or any extra money for the exam so I'm just going to breathe a sigh of relief that it wasn't a permanent thing and hope it doesn't happen again.

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