Wednesday, April 8, 2020

i'm back!

did you miss me? did you even notice that i took a little blogging break until i was in a better head space?

if you're reading this, please leave a comment so that i know if it's even worth it for me to continue putting my feelings out there into the world.

i've been working from home mostly especially this week while my housemate awaits her test results.

being in quarantine with 5 other people is interesting. i know that i would be very lonely and bored if i were dealing with this all by myself and i would feel isolated from the world, however having other people always around, no down time just for me and having to navigate the treacherous waters of different personalities is exhausting and overwhelming. if i allow myself to think about any of this too much, i start to panic so i just try to focus on each moment, watching a lot of tv. i binge watched cooking shows for the entire weekend which made me want to cook if only i had room in the refrigerator for my own ingredients and could find any of my own pots and pans. i've also done a few little de-cluttering projects here and there although they are not nearly as fun as watching tv but they are satisfying. i love going for long, long, long walks with charlie when we can sneak off on our own.

here are some scenes from quarantine


  1. I am here. I miss you like crazy.

  2. Last time I was here a ton of your posts were deleted so I got worried and thought maybe your roommate's had found your blog! I wish you had happier news tho. Did they sign a lease? How long do they plan on living there? I hope you're able to sell soon so you can follow your dreams!


Pull up a chair on the porch, have some lemonade and leave your comment in my mailbox. Thanks for visiting my little cottage!