Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day One

Day 1 of weekend isolation is almost over and I seem to have survived!

After a very lazy morning of watching Hallmark movies, I finally made it out to the pool. I was so tricksy about it, I waited until the kids and their parents set off on an outdoor walk around the neighborhood and then I threw on my swimsuit and sprinted out to the pool. The water was pretty cold (last Sunday's heat has long since worn off) but it was heaven to float around by myself. 

Then I sat on the lounger and took a few selfies, as one does when they have a moment of bliss, and was just getting ready to crack open my book when BAM, the door opened and guess what? They were back.

Of course the kids wanted to cool off in the pool but at least this time a parent asked if it was ok and came out to enjoy the water too so I was still able to read and enjoy the happy sounds coming from the water. My book is getting good and there has already been an unexpected twist that I should have seen coming. Best part, the library is closed due to C19 so I can keep the book out as long as I want with no fines!

I certainly enjoyed the afternoon more than the cat who refuses to come outside when there is splashing going on. She usually loves being out in the back, she's quite the lizard hunter but she chose to watch from inside the kitchen today.

And now I'm back in my room where I'm slowly putting up some pictures (I'll tell you about that tomorrow) and waiting for dinner to arrive. I have no food in the house (I guess I'll have to brave the grocery store tomorrow) so I decided to treat myself and order delivery since so many restaurants are offering that for free now.

The food came! I had only had a pop tart and half a tuna sub to eat all day so I was hungry when I ordered. I waited out in the front of the house so that I could get the food without anybody knowing or asking me to share. And it worked, I snuck it all into my bedroom without being caught (I kinda sound like a teenager, don't I?) and was just about to dig in when I realized there was a cat in my room and it was the cat that's scared of Charlie. It didn't help that Charlie is territorial about food (my food especially) and decided to chase the poor cat. At least she chased him out of the room so that I could eat.

I ordered a bacon guacamole burger because my housemates don't eat red meat so I don't keep hamburger in the house and it had been way too long since I'd had one. And ohmygosh, it was amazing! It was seriously better than sex, each bite a sensuous experience. Once I finished eating I was so satiated that I rolled over and took a nap. Hell, if I could teach the delivery bag to cuddle, I wouldn't need to find a boyfriend.

And now it's time for an evening of watching Hallmark movies about poor needy women who haven't figured out that food delivery men are the ones they really need.

On to day 2!

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