Thursday, March 19, 2020

our new normal

Just checking in from the front lines. LOL

Not much has changed, my office is still open but only 2 of us are actually here. We have offices on opposite ends so we're very socially distant from each other but it's really nice to be able to talk to another person. She's technically my boss but she's also my friend and I appreciate her so much. Yesterday I had been crying in my office and she came in later and saw my crumpled up tissues so I assured her I had only been crying and that I wasn't sick and we had a nice laugh about that. I appreciate the fact that she doesn't judge me when the world gets to be a little too much and I need to release the stress somehow.

Last night I ordered pizza at work after my boss left so Charlie and I had a pizza party and watched TV until it was time to drive home. I am finding that I really enjoy hanging out here by myself. I am stocking the refrigerator with lots of food so that I can pretty much eat all 3 meals here at the office. Last night's pizza is being frozen so that I can have it next week.

Of course there is a weekend coming up and I'm not sure what I'll do then because I have precious little refrigerator space in the house. I think there are some canned goods left over from Taz so I'll probably heat them up and then retire to my room or the pool. 

For so long I've escaped to the world to get away from the house, it's going to be kind of difficult to be stuck in that environment all the time but I just read an announcement that Hallmark was planning on having a Christmas movie marathon this weekend so maybe I'll just park on the couch in my room and watch movies until Monday when it's time to go back to work.

That's not pathetic at all.

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