Friday, March 6, 2020


I have found my people!

Last night I went to my first meeting of the Nerdy Movie Club and loved it. Ok, that's not its official name, that's just what I call it in my head. 

It's another one of those Meetup groups - this one meets once a month at a Chinese restaurant to eat dinner and watch a couple of DVDs - a British TV show and then a movie of the leader's choosing. Last night it was a show called New Tricks which I loved and then a '70s movie called The Wanderers which I would probably never want to watch again (a little too gritty for me) but I got caught up in the story and thoroughly enjoyed myself. The soundtrack for the movie was amazing, so many good 60s songs because it was set in 1963.

And, wonder of wonders, the food was really good. I have long complained about the lack of good Chinese food here in Florida and while the orange beef didn't taste like any I'd ever had before (it wasn't deep fried) it was quite delicious and I'd happily order it again.

It was the perfect kind of outing for me, very little awkward small talk. We just ordered our food then sat there in the dark eating it while we watched the shows.

As I've mentioned a time or two (or a hundred) before, I've been going to these groups to meet new people because I don't want to sit around the house feeling sorry for myself and I would love to make some friends. But trying to make new friends has been more of a challenge than I ever realized it would.

I've been to events where no one talked to me. On the other hand, I've had more than one occasion where men have talked to me quite a bit and exchanged contact information with me, going so far as to take my phone and put their contact information in themselves but then never contact me or they do contact me once but then they disappear when I respond. That is beyond annoying.

I met up with a potential woman friend once for lunch and theater and we both had a good time but when we said goodbye I knew I'd probably never hear from her again and that was ok because I wasn't interested in being friends with her either. Sometimes you just don't click.

You may remember that I had dinner with one of Taz's friends when I was in Virginia last year. Although we had known each other for years we never really spent much time together so I was worried the dinner might be awkward (because I can be awkward when I feel shy) but it wasn't, quite the opposite in fact. We talked and laughed for hours and I walked away thinking that I had finally made a new friend but, although unfailingly polite, he has made it abundantly clear that he isn't interested in further communication. I would say that it's his loss but I'm pretty sure that I'm the loser.

So that's why nerdy movie club is so perfect for me - I didn't go there looking for new friends, I just wanted to watch a movie. No expectations, no disappointments. Unlike a book club where you have to discuss the book, we just watched and ate. I don't feel exposed and vulnerable, I don't even care if these people like me. All I care is that they don't talk too much during the movie. I love watching TV and movies and I like to eat so it's pretty much a match made in heaven.

And the waiters are all pretty good looking too so that's just a nice bonus!

The only down side is that the GPS took me home through a very not nice part of town and I was a little scared. It would be ok if I could have driven quickly through this part but there was a lot of traffic so I was stopped frequently next to threatening looking people on the streets. I could hear Taz in my head and he was NOT very happy that I was out roaming the scary streets after dark. Yeah buddy, I wasn't too happy about it either. I'm going to have to have a talk with the GPS so that we can figure out another way home next time.

Because there will definitely be a next time - I'm a nerdy movie club girl for life!

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