Wednesday, July 3, 2013


It's that time of year again, time for all sorts of anniversaries - most of them are ones I would rather not remember but at least one anniversary involves cake (hopefully) - today is my 27th wedding anniversary. I can't even wrap my head around 27 years - I've been married longer than I was single. Freaky.

Because of work commitments we aren't even together today which is the first time that's ever happened. That's one of the reasons that I chose July 3 as our wedding date all those years ago, because it was right before a holiday so we've usually been able to take a few days off and go somewhere. We'll still get a long weekend but it just won't happen until the anniversary is officially over. At least we didn't have to cancel a party this year the way we did the last 2 years. As much as I dearly wanted a party and love the idea of having one, I don't think I can bring myself to plan another one.

27 years ago I never would have imagined living in California nor could I have imagined the twists and turns that life has taken. I guess that's what keeps it interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary! I hope you two get to celebrate in the very way that you hope to! ♥


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