Friday, June 12, 2020


This friend thing is working out really well.

Yesterday afternoon I was frustrated, once again, about a roadblock on the path to getting my mother approved for Medicaid and while talking to Chris (about general stuff) he could hear something in my voice so he asked me to tell him all about whatever was wrong and he'd help if he could.

So I did. And he listened and then, because he's worked in nursing homes, he gave me some great practical advice which was awesome but just having him want to listen and truly want to help was something I've been missing. So many people run the other way and call out "hope it all works out for you" over their shoulder, or even worse, hide in the shadows and watch me struggle.

I've been doing this online thing for almost a month now! It's kind of the COVID equivalent of people watching. I love to see all the different texting styles, the approaches men make, the way they broach certain subjects. I am so not invested in any of the outcomes (I was at the beginning but not anymore) that it's mostly entertainment for me now. I don't really go out anymore so this is pretty much all I have.

There are the ones that don't really know what to say so we end up talking about the weather. A little weather talk is fine especially in Florida where weather is kind of a big deal. But when you've had 10 or more texts and you're still stuck on weather? That's when I just disappear.

If we do get past the weather it seems like we slide into sex (the subject, not the act) pretty darned quickly.

There are the ones that just allude to it - breakfast in bed, waking up next to each other, snoring, deep sleeper vs. light sleeper. Or the guys that claim to LOVE cuddling and snuggling which seems like it's just code for things they may do after they've had sex with me. There was the guy who said he just loved cuddling on the couch watching TV and then texted that he was probably going to get a DVD player for his bedroom. I guess that was just in case the couch stopped being comfortable. ;-)

Others get a little more graphic - Flyboy kept talking about naked swimming. Now I love a good skinny dip but he kept bringing up the whole naked thing over and over. Ok. Now that I think about it, that was probably because, in the course of saying what he was looking for in a girlfriend, he mentioned that she had to be someone that liked lots of sex. LOL I guess it's important to get that out into the open right away. Of course, he might be more of a talker than a doer because when we discovered that my mom lives in the same town as him, he said to let him know the next time I'm down there and we could meet up. So I said that I planned on going next weekend and he couldn't backpedal fast enough and when I said "ok, another time then" he just disappeared. Have I mentioned that men can be stupid jerks? LOLOLOL He was probably married.

And then there are some men who don't allude to anything, they just put the sex topic right on the table and roll around in it. One guy just out and out asked me (after we had been texting a few days) if I enjoy oral sex and if I pleasure myself. Now I'm no prude (far from it) but I admit I blushed a little when I read that text. And I'll bet you're on the edge of your seat waiting for the answers, aren't you?

Sorry, I never satisfy idle curiosity...although I'm pretty sure he enjoyed my answers.

I might be having a little too much fun with the anonymity meeting people online affords me, especially when I know it's someone I have no intention of meeting in person.

Yeah, this whole online thing has been quite the experience but I look forward to meeting people the old fashioned way again soon.

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