Thursday, June 4, 2020


Toothbrush Guy rides again...sort of.

Turns out he wasn't completely repulsed by me but had food poisoning and has actually been dealing with it until today. He ended up in the emergency room last night where they finally fixed him up.

We had been having very unsatisfying text conversations on Monday and Tuesday, then I didn't hear from him at all on Wednesday but there was a text from him late last night with hospital pictures.

Then we talked on the phone this afternoon and I don't think it went well, at least not on my end and I don't think he was feeling it either so I'd be surprised if I ever heard from him again and I'm so ok with that.

In fact, he was kind of a bit of a jerk. We were talking about the pool league that he's in and he starts talking about how many hot women there are there and how he likes talking to them. Ok fine, there's nothing going on between us yet, I get that but why say things like that to me? I don't play that game.

So I guess I'm no worse off than I was before. I dipped my toe into the online dating pool and decided not to swim. I haven't seen anybody else on the app that's even remotely interesting.

It's still amusing to run through the list of ones that "like" me. My favorites are the couples that are looking for a 3rd person, or there was the guy that said he had Porn Star tongue skills. I went to his Instagram page and it was full of the dirtiest memes I've ever seen. Very entertaining, believe me!

But it all makes me a little tired, I just want to find somebody nice...with tongue skills. ;-)

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