Sunday, June 16, 2019


After my disappointing work week, I decided I was going to pamper myself a little this weekend. I've never been very good at the whole pampering thing - I don't like massages or facials or expensive shopping sprees but I really do like pretty toes so I took a little bit of the rent money I've been getting from my boarder and headed off to my favorite day spa.

 I love this place, it's quiet and serene and so very relaxing. I've only been a couple of times so it's a very rare and special treat but gosh, I sure needed it yesterday. Now my toes look like summer! And I had the last couple of dollars on a Starbucks gift card burning a hole in my pocket so I walked my toes down the street for a little sweet treat.

Speaking of my boarder - I'm down to a single digit countdown to the day she leaves! If this was an experiment to see if I could live with a stranger, it was a failure. It's not that she was bad, at all, but as I feared I was so very uncomfortable in my own home. I found myself inventing reasons to spend time away from the house if I knew she was there and I've been so tense lately that I have pain where I never have before. I don't think having her here did my mental health any favors either, I find myself taking more and more naps, and the "extra" money I earned will mostly go to the increased utility bills because she needed the air conditioning so much colder than I usually have it. So, if my continued life in this house depends on living with strangers (because I'd have to rent out at least 2 rooms to make it work financially) then I'd better start packing and figure out how to live out of my car. 

Oh well, all those considerations can be put off for a little while longer. Right now I'm going to concentrate on getting through this week and then it's goodfuckingbye!

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