Tuesday, July 30, 2019


It's time to think about a goal for next year because I can't spend any more time in limbo or I'll go quite crazy.

So here's my goal - I want to go to Paris.

There are all sorts of sub-goals that I need to commit to in order to make this happen the first of which being that I need to learn to speak French. At least enough to get around because I won't have Taz to rely on anymore.

The next goal (and undoubtedly the most important one) is that I have to somehow save enough money to be able to afford Paris. And whether this means saving from my salary or finding a way to make more money, I haven't figured out yet. I'm not even sure that my salary will allow for any savings.

Third goal - have a wardrobe worthy of Paris. This is my favorite goal because I love clothes and fashion. My favorite part of vacation planning is figuring out what I'm going to wear each day and coming up with accessories for each look. I'm weird that way.

Fourth goal - obsessively read every book about Paris that I can get my hands on. I already do this so it won't be a problem.

Fifth goal - make myself believe that traveling to Paris by myself is something I can actually do. This one will be harder than all of them. I've been to France twice in my life and even wandered around Paris on my own once while Taz was working in another part of the country. I loved traveling in France with him because I always felt so secure with his command of the language. Plus, it was just fun to have him show me around the places where he grew up. Being there without him, and on my own, will be weird and scary and I know there will be times I'll wonder why I'm doing this to myself. But it's a place I love and I want to know it better and I NEED something to look forward to. I need that so very much.


  1. Catching up on your posts, need to catch up on your IG too! I wonder if you could find a creative way to travel for less money? Years ago, one of my best friends traveled every year with students, she was like a ...ooph, I can't think of the word, it's on the top of my tongue...anyway, not a tour guide but she did all the signing up for people etc. and made sure they were safe in the trips. I don't think she paid for hers at all and she's been everywhere! Just a thought! But either way, I think that's a wonderful goal!

  2. Ok, a chaperone, I think that's the word I was looking for!


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