Sunday, August 11, 2019


If I were asked to describe myself, the word I would probably use first is quiet. If I'm meeting people for the first time or with people that I don't feel a connection with, it's hard for me to talk much. Plus, I often feel invisible, as if people look past me, so that doesn't lend itself to me opening up much.

But, if you've read much of this blog, you know that right now I'm starved for talk. I miss long conversations - about important things and fun nonsense. I have felt conversation just building up inside of me with nowhere to go. It had started to become very uncomfortable.

But in Virginia, I finally had an evening where I felt a connection that allowed me to be comfortable enough to talk and listen and have a real conversation...almost 4 hours of conversation. Both deep and meaningful as well as some lighthearted moments that were just plain fun.

To say that it filled a need in me doesn't even come close to describing it; it was so intensely soul satisfying. I think I'd forgotten how to talk but it came right back. That gives me hope that other things I've forgotten how to do will come right back one day too. 

I couldn't believe how late it was when I got back to my hotel room. For me, the evening just flew by. I hope it was the same for my dinner partner. I would hate to think I was the only one feeling the connection but you never really know.

Since this person and I do not live anywhere near each other and have never spent time together before, it's unlikely that this event will be repeated although I wish that could be different. And that's what's so weird, that I felt SO comfortable with someone I barely know. That's really never happened before but I'm glad it did this time. I really needed an evening like that.

More stories and pictures from my trip to Virginia in the next post!

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