Thursday, May 14, 2020


Some days you just have to laugh your way through the little battles. 

See this little pump top? It's such a little thing, something so disposable but Taz put it on our bottle of liquid dishwashing soap a couple of years ago. I'm not even sure where it came from but he put it on the soap because it's more convenient to pump rather than pick up the bottle and squeeze soap out. At least I think it's a better way to do it so I've transferred it to each new bottle ever since.

But recently, when the soap bottle got empty, I came home and found not only the bottle in the trash but the pump top as well. Ok, I understand that, the new people in the house don't know the significance of the top. So I fished it out of the trash and put it on the counter, behind a little trash can that only I use so that I could put it on the new bottle of soap when I got a new bottle. It wasn't in the way at all, not bothering anybody.

So imagine my surprise when I came home tonight and it was in the trash again. This isn't the first time I've found my things in the trash or on their way out of the house.

This is a little one-cup coffee maker that I bought for Taz a couple of years ago because he loved having a cup of coffee every day but didn't want to waste a whole pot (and I certainly wasn't going to drink any of that icky stuff) and didn't want to spend the money on a Keurig or those little pods. I found this one at Walmart and he loved it and used it every single day. It means a lot to me, it's one of my happy memories.

But I don't drink coffee so I never used it after he was gone and I made the mistake of saying that to my tenant when he was taking over the kitchen with all of his stuff. What I meant was that he didn't have to keep it out on the counter because I wasn't using it but what he heard was that I didn't want it at all. At least I assume that's what he heard because I came home the next day and this beloved coffee maker was in a box of things that he was donating.

What the actual hell? I'm so glad I saw it before it was gone forever.

Of course I swooped in and rescued my little coffee maker and it now sits on a cabinet in my bathroom so that I can keep it safe. I also rescued some of my other kitchen things from that donation box; even if I didn't need to use them right now, I didn't want somebody else to make the decision to get rid of them. I can't even imagine throwing out someone else's stuff and the more that it happens to me, the more it upsets me. It is not a battle I want to have to keep fighting.

But I prevailed in this particular battle. After I rescued the pump top from the trash (the 2nd time!) I hid it in my bread box until my new bottle of soap was delivered (luckily I had one on order for tonight) and now look at it fulfilling its destiny. It really was a genius move on Taz's part to come up with the idea and I plan on using this pump top on every bottle of soap that I have forever. 

Nope, I'm not overdramatic, why would you think so? ;-)

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