Tuesday, May 26, 2020


They say there's no loss without some small gain. I guess that's true, this season has left me with a few important life lessons.

That's what I've learned from my home. I guess people are either going to trust you (the way that you trust them) or they are going to believe the worst and jump to incorrect conclusions no matter what you say or do. And there's really nothing you can do about that except walk away.

This is what I've learned from life. I know I'm vulnerable and lonely and just want someone to care enough to want to get to know me so badly that I'm leaving myself open but luckily, I'm damn strong and I can't be fooled for long. And I think enough of myself to say HELL NO when I realize I'm being played.

And I guess I should say thank you to the virus because I was able to learn this lesson without getting more than my heart involved. No, in retrospect, that isn't entirely true. My heart wasn't fully involved yet, I just wanted to believe it so badly that I was definitely heading there but as we never got a chance to meet, I was probably saved from an actual heartbreak rather than just the scrapes and bruises that I'm dealing with now. At least I know now that my good girl status isn't going to change, if my body gets involved, my heart will be leading the way.

And I wish I could say it was never going to happen again but I'm not going to give up trying to find my person so it's inevitable that I'll meet more jerks along the way until someone with actual integrity steps out of the shadows and into my life.

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