Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Yesterday Charlie and I spent 2 1/2 hours at the bank trying to get something done to help the Medicaid application and we left there ( 1 hour after the branch had closed) with it still not completed! However, we are a tiny, baby step closer so that's the good news.

I'm so glad I took Charlie with me because it was way too hot to leave her in the car. I had contemplated just leaving her at work (the bank is a few miles down the road from my office) since I fully expected to be back within 30 minutes but decided against that thank goodness. I brought her bag with me so I stuffed her in there and just walked in the bank like it was an everyday occurrence to walk into banks with a dog. Maybe it is, everybody exclaimed about how cute she was in her carrier but nobody objected. 

She was a very, very good girl and laid quietly in her bag and went to sleep. She never made a peep the entire time. I, however, was not quite so quiet. I was a good girl too and didn't get grumpy or frustrated like I know a lot of people would (what's the point, they were just trying to help me) but I fidgeted a LOT in my seat as the hours went on. I got hungry and I really could have used a bathroom break and it got stuffy and uncomfortable with the mask on and I really wanted to rip it off but I didn't. I sat there (mostly) quietly and looked forward to getting out of there.

The bad news is that we have to try all over again on Thursday so there's another couple of hours where I am losing money by not being at work. Sigh, I hate this.

I decided I needed a treat after all of this and stopped at the Starbucks drive-thru. While at the window, they asked if Charlie wanted a puppuccino which is a cup full of whipped cream that they give out to dogs for free. Charlie has never had a Starbucks puppuccino before but she loves the pup cup at Twistee Treat which is a cup of vanilla softserve OR whipped cream depending on the location.

It was a success and a nice stop for both of us. All too soon we had to head back home and quite frankly, I'd rather spend time at the bank than at home.

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