Friday, December 13, 2019

December fun

December is rolling along and I'm rolling with it. Because it's the holiday season there have been a few fun events happening.

One of Taz's favorite things to do at Christmas was "adopt" a child or family that wouldn't be able to provide Christmas for the kids and help them. We did this almost every year, even the ones where we were struggling ourselves.

Taz grew up poor in France and always felt the sting of not having Christmas presents when all the kids around him did so he was determined to help other children so that they'd never have that feeling.

I also think he loved doing it every year because it meant he got to shop in a toy store and pretend to be a kid.

This year I decided to continue the tradition to honor his memory even though I'm struggling. I'm ok with no Christmas but I never want a child to feel that way.

Charlie got dressed up in her Santa's Little Yelper outfit (she had 4 Christmas outfits to choose from) earlier this week and we delivered presents to the motel where a bunch of families live full time because they can't afford the rent prices in the area. These are hard working families who still have fallen through the cracks.  I wish I could do more for them but I'm happy to have done my part...and Taz's.

My chorus sings Christmas carols around town all during December after the pressure of our concert is over. Here we are at the local hospital. I look forward to this all year. There I am on the left, in the green shirt and Santa hat.

I was especially happy to have my god daughters join me this year. Here is the oldest being goofy. She loves to sing as much as I do so I was really happy to share this experience with her. As a pre-teen she bores easily but she really seemed to enjoy this. I hope it inspires her to join a chorus when she's older. She already sings with her elementary school chorus; I love that she's getting started early.

And finally, there's an ugly sweater contest at work. Last year I didn't feel up to participating but this year I was ALL about it. I got my sweater early and couldn't wait to wear it. I even accessorized with the perfect beret. The skirt has bells so I jingled every time I walked. I was feeling sassy and jingly all day.

Unfortunately, everybody at work told me I was too cute to be ugly so my hopes for winning have been dashed but I'm always up for being called cute! I had to get gas for the car that morning and a group of guys in a pickup truck told me I was cute least that's what I choose to believe they were yelling out the window. ;-)

I was going to wear this to go caroling at the hospital but it was very hot that day, too hot for long sleeves and leopard print. Hopefully I'll get another chance when my friends and I go caroling through the neighborhood next week.

Taz loved Christmas and the entire holiday season. There were years when I didn't feel very Christmasey because of our financial struggles but he always wanted to celebrate. One year I refused to put up our big tree so he went out and got a little tree and decorated it while I was at work (he was home looking for a job) just to surprise me and remind me of the joy of the season despite our circumstances.

I think that's one of the benefits of marriage - you take turns cheering each other up, supporting each other. He wasn't always upbeat and cheery, he could go very dark, but never at Christmas no matter what was happening.

So, in that spirit, I'm having a holly, jolly Christmas this year even if it's just Charlie and me.

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