Sunday, December 29, 2019

Happy endings

Yesterday was a bit of an emotional roller coaster so I've given myself a free pass to goof off a bit.

You can't really properly sleep in with a dog around but after feeding her and taking her on a quick, rainy walk around the neighborhood at 7,  I went back to sleep until 9:30, which was heavenly and completely unusual for me.

And now here I am with no makeup on wearing my favorite cropped California t-shirt that makes me feel flirty and sexy even though I am self aware enough to know I don't really look that way so I never actually wear it in public. 

I haven't even brushed my teeth because it's not like I'm going to be kissing anyone today. I'm just enjoying what might be my last weekend day having the house to myself.

And so I'm watching my very favorite guilty pleasure movie because I really need a happy ending right now and this has one of the most perfect. It's about a relationship that has a few false starts before the happily ever after finally kicks in and it's nice to think that sort of thing could happen in real life even though I have my doubts. Plus it has Hugh Grant's hair and I'm a sucker for really great hair.

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