Saturday, December 28, 2019

home and family

Greetings! I don't usually get to write on a weekend because I don't have Internet at home but I'm hanging out at a friend's house today. She's not home, she's 3000 miles away in California visiting her parents for the holidays, but she very nicely gave me a key and told me to come over to use the Internet and watch TV while she's gone and today I decided to take her up on that.

This morning a handyman type person spent a couple of hours at my house organizing the boxes in my garage to give me more space so that I can move in more boxes and furniture from the 3 rooms I'm emptying.

You might wonder why I'm emptying 3 rooms and today I can finally talk about it - my godfamily is moving in! They are going to take 3 of my 4 bedrooms and live with me for a year. It might last longer but for at least a year I will be able to continue to live in my house and I'll have my very own family with me all the time. I've often been lonely this past year being all by myself most of the time but those days are over; I imagine time by myself will be rare from now on.

It's a huge change and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about it but mostly I'm excited and looking forward to  learning what it's like to live with kids full-time. I imagine it'll be like nothing I've ever experienced.

But that doesn't mean this is the rest of my story. Although I love my house and I'm perfectly happy to live there right now, I can't say that I'll live there forever. I'm open to wherever the road takes me, my future is wide open. Maybe I'll sell the house and move somewhere completely new. Maybe I'll rent it out and travel all over the world. Maybe I'll buy an RV and hit the open road.

Maybe, maybe, maybe - I really don't know what will happen. In a million years I never could have imagined what my life is now so it's impossible to say what it will be in the future. I think I'm done trying to imagine, I'm just going to try out different paths until I find the next bend in the road.

For now, the path leads to my home and a family and that's perfect.

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