Thursday, March 7, 2019

100 Happy Days

Oh how I love the man in that picture above!

This picture was taken in September 2015 after I'd completed an Instagram project where I had to post a picture of something happy every day for 100 days.

I started the project that May. I had quit my beloved Tor House job and moved to Florida where Mr. T had been living since January while working at a new job at a startup company. One day after starting #100happydays, Mr. T came home and told me the company had run out of money and could no longer pay anybody.

That wasn't a happy day. I had only been living in Florida for 6 weeks,

For some unknown reason I decided to continue the project through all the tumultuous days that followed - from moving back to California, to finding Charlie (now that really was a happy day!) to Mr. T looking for a new job and me looking for a new job, to thinking we were probably going to lose our house in Florida, to finding out that the family members who owned the house we were living in in California decided to sell it and put us out on the streets. They changed their minds eventually but it was a horrific time that I haven't really gotten over to this day.

During all of that I kept posting one thing each day that made me happy. Sometimes it was really hard to find that one thing. The day I got rejected from 3 potential jobs in one afternoon was difficult to find something, but I did.

But somehow, having to look for the happy really affected my outlook and when I was happy, Mr. T was happy so we kept going, putting one foot in front of the other and we ended up having a pretty nice summer. Mr. T found a job which required a 5 hour commute each day so he was pretty exhausted but he didn't let that stop him from going around with me looking for fun each weekend.

Image may contain: outdoor and water 
We took Charlie on trips to the beach

Image may contain: 1 person We visited San Francisco

No photo description available.We had picnics and discovered new places

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
We got a little goofy at the Santa Cruz boardwalk

I think we made the most of those 100 days, we didn't let the sucky circumstances defeat us.

I will forever be grateful for #100happydays.

I have participated in the 100 happy days project a couple more times since then and I think I'm going to start doing it again. I already post one picture each day on Instagram but I'm going to focus on the happy moment in each day. They are out there, sometimes they are hidden, sometimes we forget to look for them but they are always there.

If nothing else, I can post 100 pictures of Charlie because she makes me happy each and every day! 

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm a sobbing mess now. These posts are so beautifully written! I seriously think you should write a book!


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