Monday, March 25, 2019

waiting for the weekend

I've been thinking a lot lately about people.

Like people that say "we're right there with you" but you never hear from them.

Like people that say "let's get together soon" but don't make actual plans and can't be pinned down to a date.

Like people that say they want to come visit and actually settle on a date but ghost as the date gets closer.

Like people that say they want to talk over the weekend but the weekend goes by and they never call.

Like the damned irrigation guy that said he'd be by in the next  few days to look at a sprinkler leak and it's been more than a few days and you've heard nothing from him.

I've never been one to ask for favors or for help. I learned a long time ago, when my parents were both sick, that people love to say they're there to help but rarely follow through. I've really got to remember that now because it's too disappointing otherwise.

I'm not judging, I'm sure I was terrible at follow through myself when people have needed help. We are all caught up in our own lives and really, that's ok. My problems shouldn't be anyone else's responsibility. So now I have to pull up my big girl panties and get over being afraid of doing things on my own and take care of myself.

This weekend I'm going to treat myself to something I've wanted to do for a long time and just get over the intimidation factor. It's different to go places by myself rather than part of a couple. There are logistics to think about to make sure you're safe and that your stuff is protected and not vulnerable to theft.

Even the question of whether or not to take Charlie is different when you're solo. With another person one of you can stand outside a shop or restaurant while the other goes in and buys something. You can't do that by yourself. If Charlie comes then I can't go shopping or eat any place that doesn't have outside ordering. There are all sorts of situations I've never had to think about before.

Nevertheless, I'm excited and can't wait for the weekend!

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