Wednesday, March 27, 2019

another first

That's a picture of a hole in my front yard that is filled with water.

It's not supposed to be filled with water. It's not supposed to be a hole.

All the houses in my neighborhood were built with in ground irrigation systems that work on a timer. It's nice because Florida gets HOT in the summer and you don't have to even think about watering your lawn, the system does it for you.

It's nice until it breaks.

Mr T did a great job of maintaining the irrigation. He replaced broken sprinkler heads and even fixed leaks and malfunctions of the pipes and valves.

I've spent the past 4 months wondering when something would break and I'd have to take care of the repair process myself. Well, wonder no more, I've got a major leak in my system. Woohoo, it's my first major repair without Mr. T.

The first irrigation guy I called was one Mr. T had used before and he thoughtfully left the guy's information on his bulletin board. Problem solved, I thought. Too bad the guy responded just once and said he'd be by in a few days and I never heard from him again.

Found another guy and he came by last night and made this hole. Then he couldn't go any further without a shovel so he's coming back tonight but that will only tell him exactly what's wrong. He won't be able to fix it until Saturday. Meanwhile it continues to leak. Kinda worried about the repair cost not to mention next month's water bill.

I know that there are lots of single women/single mothers out there who handle this kind of stuff all the time. I'm just taking a little while to adjust to my new status, I guess. I want to cry but I'm not going to let myself because I'm very much afraid that once I start, I won't be able to stop.

One good thing that happened out of all this is that the repair guy also has his own mowing company. I have not been happy at all with the people that currently mow my lawn; they are mediocre, at best. This guy gave me a much better price and, because he will be the one doing the mowing, I think he'll be more accountable than the random guys that the current company hires.

And I know I could mow the lawn on my own, I've done it before, but I can't get the lawn mower started. Even Mr. T had trouble with it.

Oh, gotta go, just got a text that the irrigation guy is on his way here to make an even bigger hole in my lawn. 

Just so excited.

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